Scanning Electron Microscope with Energy-dispersive X-ray Spectrocsopy (SEM/EDS)
JSM-IT500HR InTouchScope™ (JEOL, Japan)
Description: Direct Magnification = x5 – x600.000, Resolution (LV) = 3 nm, Resolution (HV) = 1.5 nm, Large specimen stage 200 x 75 mm, Integrated Dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS) for elemental analysis.
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
Desciprtion: contact (C-AFM), Tappi and non-conatact modes (NC-AFM), scener size 5×5 micrometers, resolution 1 nm, softvare for 2D and 3D surface mapping.
Raman Imaging Microscope
DXR™3xi Raman Imaging Microscope (Thermo ScientificTM, USA)
Description: Spatial resolution 0.5 µm, Confocal Depth 2 µm, Lasers: 532 nm, 633 nm, 785 nm, Fine Laser Power Control in 0.1 mW increments. Data analysis, spectral interpretation, 2D/3D chemical mapping with OMNICTM xi Software.
Description: Air bearing system. Rotation and oscillation measuring modes. Frequency Range: 0.0001 – 100 Hz, Torque Range: 0.001 – 150 mNm (torque rotation); 0.001 – 150 mNm (torque oscillation). Water-cooled Peltier temperature system, Operating temperature range: 0 – 200 °C. Set of measuring geometries for low- and high-viscosity samples. Software package for measuring and evaluation of rheological parameters..
Four Point Probe (Sheet Resistance, Resistivity and Conductivity Measurement)
Four Point Probe System (OSSILA, UK)
Description: Sheet resistances range from 100 mΩ/□ to 10 MΩ/□, Voltage range: 100 µV to 10 V, Current range: 1 µA to 150 mA. PC software performs all the necessary measurements and calculations for sheet resistance, resistivity and conductivity.
Potentiostat, Galvanostat, and optional a Frequency Response Analyser (FRA)
PalmSens4 (PalmSens, NL)
Description: Potentiostat, Galvanostat, and optional a Frequency Response Analyser (FRA) for Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). The PalmSens4 has a large potential range (-10V to 10V) and current range (100 pA to 10 mA) with a high resolution and low noise. Provides various Voltammetric (LSV, CV, …), Pulsed (DPV, SWV, …), Galvanostatic (LSP, CP, …), Amperometric (CA, ZRA, …) and Impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurement techniques.
Potentiostat for electroanalytical measurements
EmStat3+ (PalmSens, NL)
Description: Provides the most relevant electroanalytical measurement techniques (Voltammetric, Pulsed, Amperometric and Galvanostatic techniques), Potential range 8V, Current ranges 1nA to 100 mA, minimum resolution 1 pA, PSTrace5 software.
Contact Angle and Surface Energy
See System (Advex Instruments, CZ )
Description: See System is a portable computer-based instrument for contact angle measurement and surface energy determination. The software enables the calculation of the surface energy on the basis of the most often used models: Owens-Wendt-Rable-Kaeble, Lifshitz-van der Waals/acid-base, Li-Neumann, Kwok-Neumann, Wu Equation of State, Zisman. Regression variants of Owens-Wendt & acid-base models are also supported.See System (Advex Instruments) is a portable computer-based instrument for contact angle measurement and surface energy determination. The software enables the calculation of the surface energy on the basis of the most often used models: Owens-Wendt-Rable-Kaeble, Lifshitz-van der Waals/acid-base, Li-Neumann, Kwok-Neumann, Wu Equation of State, Zisman. Regression variants of Owens-Wendt & acid-base models are also supported.
Surface Tension and Contact Angle Goniometer
Contact Angle Goniometer (OSSILA, UK)
Description: The contact angle software lets you record video and perform both contact angle and surface tension of liquid droplets measurements.
Solar Cell I-V Characteristics measurement
Solar Cell I-V Test System (OSSILA, UK)
Description: Multimeter device with PC Software automatically calculates key properties of solar cells from the measured I-V curves: PCE, FF, Jsc, Voc, Rsh, Rs. Provides solar cell hysteresis and solar cell lifetime measurements.
DCSBD Plasma unit
RPS40 Plus (Roplass, CZ)
Description: Fully automatic plasma unit, high power density 100 W/cm2 and low-temperature atmospheric plasma treatment <70 °C, sealed chamber for plasma treatment under different gases.
Printing and Coating Techniques
Flat screen-printing machine
Atma TY-600H (Atma, Taiwan)
Description: Electro-pneumatic, semiautomatic industrial screen-prinitng machine. Vertical movement of the printing frame. Microadjustable printing table with vacuum fixation of the printed substrates. Maximum printing area: 400 x 550 mm.
Pad-printing machine
microPrint Smart 250 (microPrint, Switzerland)
Description: Pneumatic, semiautomatic pad-printing machine. Closed inkwell system. Maximum printing area: 110 x 110 mm.
Spin Coater
POLOS Wafer Spinner (SPS-Europe B.V., The Netherlands)
Description: Table-top fully automatic single substrate spin processor. Maximum coating area: 100 x 100 mm.
Film Applicator (Doctor Blade)
COATMASTER 509 MC I (Erichsen, USA)
Description: Automatic high-precision film applicator – doctor blade. Adjustable coating gap. Maximum coating area ca. 200 x 300 mm.